
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Apostrophes Poster

WALT know how Apostrophes work, because some of us doesn't quiet get how you use it. So When we watched a video about it, We did an activity about it. Apostrophes represents 2 things Possession and, Contraction, they are also the one's that will represent the Apostrophes on most Writings.

I found it hard when I was trying to explain how Apostrophes work, and what it means.
I found it easy when I was doing the activities.

I worked hard on this poster, but it doesn't look much. But here it is ...

Friday, July 5, 2019

The Cave Llama

For Writing we had to make a story about the Llama we had made using Pencil, Dye, Pastel, and Paintings.
I found really difficult to make the Story interesting and to shade the Llama.
I found easy doing is on doing the Rest.
I really loved what we had done and what we had accomplished and my goal was to finish my Llama and The Story. The Title of the Story is Cave Llama, and Mowgli is also in it.

October 13, 2008 A boy who was a Legend of the Jungle, was born in the middle of Forests in the
jungle. 3 years later, 6 terrorists came to raid their house For what the father had done to all
of the people on their cities. The Boy’s Parents were tortured and were suffering, So the Mother
threw the Baby to the Jungle and said their last words “Hasseaoa Hasso”....

The Beginning
March 26, 2012. “Mom, Dad!!!!, Hurry up we're gonna be late!!”, “Hold on Hon I just gotta prepare
your Food ok?” “Fine…”. There was me I’m Mark always late at school and likes playing
soccer, I really liked playing with my friends, especially also on games. “Mark,  Nice Win you got
there mate.” they chuckled, “ Shoosh Tini” i said embarrassingly. “It was just a lucky one, Mkay?”
Said to myself, “Lies” they said and Bursts to laughing. They’re my friends They are Tini, Manuk,
Petelo , Max. Talking much about stuff wasn’t all we did, We also played soccer doing some Goal
Kicks or some Soccer stuff.

The Call
In a Medium Size House was where we live. “Don’t forget to check the Mailbox, Son!!” shouted
Dad from all the way in his car, “I will” I replied back. I sighed as I laid down on our bed.
“Wait ..., I forgot the mailbox”I said as I Sit up, I ran outside and checked the Mailbox
“A Book Hmmm ..., that’s gonna be interesting”. I went inside “The Legend of the Jungle” it wrote
on the Book what’s that I looked at the sign and it said “Don’t Open” I called my friends on
Discord (Which was an app to call your Friends or Online Friends). “What is it Going on there?”
said Manuk, I explained what I got from the Mailbox and they said “I got that one too”,
“Should we open it or nah” said Max in a Strange Voice. “I think we should” I said with a wink.

Cave Llama
The Book had lights in it and it shone on our face, Then after that we didn’t remember what had
happened. “Huh … W - What?” I said with a tired face, My eyes were all blurry and when it
had gone and Then I saw a lion standing on my chest. “AHHH!!!, Get off me!!” I shouted with
a loud voice while i was voice cracking, There I saw a Lion,Tiger, Monkey, and an Emu.
“Don’t worry, it's just us,” said the Lion “W-What is going on?” I said “Ok explain ourselves” said
an Emu,  “Me the Lion It’s Petelo” “Me umm … I’m the Monkey and it’s Manuk “ ''And I’m Max
and I don’t know Why I’m an Emu” “And it’s Tini the Tiger” . “Ok Guys Where’s the Book?”
I said with a worried voice, “It made us Turn into Animals and we have to do something to
Go to the Same Time and same Year, and …” ''Same Place” Interrupted Tini. “Wait so I’m a?” I
said in a worried voice “ Your a Llama” Said everyone.

Legend of The Jungle
“What do you mean? I'm a Llama!?” I said on a very nervous voice “Yes, We already told you”
said Manuk. “Whatever we got to do we need to do it quick” said Tini, “But were in a Jungle
or Forest, whatever …” said Max in a kind of High pitch voice.“CHEEEEHOOOOOOO!!!!”
shouted someone. We were scared of what we had heard “Was that Tarzan?” I said “I don’t know
it could be someone” said Petelo “But, Who would live in a blemen Jungle!!!” said Max
“People can, everyone’s allowed to live here if they have permission to.” said Manuk with an
embarrassing voice. “WHIP!, WHIP!, WHIP!, WHIP!, WHIP!.” we fell down like we lost our soul.

I could hear Someone chewing on food and sipping on water. It’s like we got kidnapped.
“W-What happened again?” I said on a very raspy voice “We had been kidnapped” said Manuk,
“Morning Guys” said an Unknown voice. “It’s Mowgli” said Max  “Can be” said Tini with a chuckle,
“Don’t Worry it’s fine I’m friendly, I’m Mowgli by the way” “Is he talking to us or …?” I asked My
Friends “I am talking to you” said Mowgli “I told y'all it’s Mowgli” said Max with a grin.“Guys help
me run away from these people, They had been Chasing me for 3 months” Mowgli told us.
“They might be in here!!” shouted an unknown voice but we were sure they were talking about our
Tent. “Quick Go On top of my back Hold on tight!!” I said with a very quick talk, “Manuk, Tini,
Petelo, Max meet us in the Jungle somewhere …” I told my friends “Sure” said everyone.

The Plan
As we ready up our positions we made a plan. As soon as they open the
Tent we rush outside and go as fast as we could, to the Jungle to keep Mowgli safe.
While the others Petelo and Tini (Which is the Lion and Tiger) they will bulldoze the people
to have a safe way for Manuk and Max (Which is the Monkey and Emu), they could get the
Terrorists lost in the middle of nowhere ,and dash all the way to our safezone and the safezone is
in the middle of the Jungle. It will be Tricky and also dangerous because it will be painful if we
get hurt.

The Escape
“3, 2, 1 Open!!” Petelo and Tini bulldozed over the Terrorists so they would get knocked off ,the
way and Me and Mowgli are Run as fast as we could and my job is to keep him safe. Manuk and
Max’s turn. The people were knocked off our way Petelo and Tini followed Me and Mowgli, Manuk
and Max went around the Camp on where the Terrorists lives, and after they had done it twice
they would dash through the jungle and to the safezone. Furthermore Everyone had done it very
Safe, no one was hurt and It was really fun. Everyone laughed.

The Safezone
We Hunted for food so that we wouldn’t be that hungry. It was Night darkness flowing through the
sky, We slept with a very good dream. Everyone Woke up we needed something to eat, so we
ate the leftovers we had got last night. But we realized we were not … in safezone. We were
Surrounded by the Terrorists, We couldn’t escape but run I told Mowgli to go on my back. We
ran as fast as we can, We reached a Desert and a Road there were cities across the road we
needed to get there as far as we could, and it was gonna be The Real Safezone.

The Sacrifice
As we were running for our Lives. Gunshots were fired on us but missed, we flinched and got slower. “Keep Going Guys!!” I shouted at my friends, I went close to Petelo and Passed Mowgli to him. “What are you doing?” asked Petelo while running “Take him to safety.” When we reached the Road, I let my friends pass first. And it was my turn. As I was running I told them “Keep Going!!” but they did What I said. Tini, Manuk, Max, and Petelo looked behind as they were running, I went on the Road and Faced the Edge of it, I didn’t have any choice but to Sacrifice so that we could bring Mowgli to safety. Gunshots were Fired and I felt the pain … 

The End
As I was laying down everything disappeared, I was back on my normal life. “Huh, What
happened?, Did I die?” I looked around. I was in my bedroom I rested and slept. The Next day
was Thursday. I ate, showered and went to school. I asked my friends if they had become the
animals they were and the same thing that had happened, and they said “Yes” “Yes” “Yes” “Yes”
said my Manuk, Tini, Petelo, and Max. Then we played and learned stuff at school. The End.

If you guys Want to see the Llama that had saved Mowgli and had saved the Day here you go
… (The Llama deserves a Crown for saving The Day and Mowgli) and "Hasseaoa Hasso" meant "Live Forever "...

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Matariki DLO

For Reading, We had to learn about Matariki and The Matariki Sisters, We needed to make a DLO about it so that we could post it on our blog and show it to you guys. I found easy to do was to Put on their names and the Title. I found difficult to do was to write information about them using my own words, and It was really hard to do.
I liked the Matariki DLO we had done, and we also need to make a symbol that represents the Matariki  at the end.
Please Enjoy ...

Monday, July 1, 2019

My Writing from the past weeks (Bye Mr. Lee)

In Term 2 Week 3 Friday We came to school very early it was "Pink Shirt Day"  We at least needed to wear something that's pink so it can be a sign of stop Bullying, We also had Winter Sports in the afternoon which was fun. We All Brought Something Pink that's a clothing and also pink that's foods, We took a picture of it before we even eat it and we also put Face Paint on ourselves. Furthermore We have finished our Amazing Sugar Rush Day, Everyone had lots of fun during that day it was one of the best days ever. Everyone took a rest in the weekends.

Term 2 Week 4 Monday The Start of Week 4. We were waiting outside the School waiting for the gate to open (it normally opens at 8:30 a.m.). Oof the Gate Opened we ran to our classrooms in excitement just for the heater, One thing we forgot was....
WE HAD OUR STUDENT TEACHER!!!, We had Mr. Lee as our Student Teacher (Mr. Lee and Mrs. Lee are not related, it's just Lee is very common in Korea that's what Mrs. Lee said.).
We had enjoyed His time on St. Bernadette's School we had did some writing with him which is this.

"Sleeping is very important to everyone. It helps us Learn more and have more energy while doing something. Also when we sleep we won’t be tired anymore because It gave us more energy and more time to Rest. For example, You forgot to sleep because you were doing work in the middle of the night, and you came back to school tired and then you fell asleep and missed out on some learning. Another Example is that when you Sleep You Can do anything quick and better because of the energy you got for having a rest at the right time and woke up in the right time. So If you sleep you can do more stuff and even help others if they can’t do something. So If I were you I could always slept everyday or even more that once a day that's the way you need to sleep as always.

Sleeping very important to every species or human beings. It helps us be Strong and be more Smart just like me. Sleeping gives me a good time to rest and it also helps me do stuff that others can’t do or can. For Example If you are doing Maths The teacher asked you a question and you didn’t sleep that night then you won’t be strong and smart enough to answer the question and you might fall asleep during that time. Another Example is if you have a good time to Rest It makes you to do the Best, you might get something for being the Best or for doing something that was really hard to do but you did it. Don’t forget to sleep so you can do as many things as you want. So Sleep if you wanna Do stuff that people can’t or can do."

Blue is the Starting Sentence, Green is Explanation, Yellow is Example, and Red is Relevance.
This was my favourite we had done with Mr. Lee. We also did some Helicopter Experiments, we made the little flying thing that's attached to the Helicopter and we used some clips to make it land faster. He is one of my Most Favourite Teacher Ever, He even let us play soccer with him.
Term 2 Week 9 Friday The Last Day of the Week. We came to school Happily. But Mr. Lee had to go apply a job, Everyone was feeling sad including me. We made cards for Mr. Lee secretly so that we could give it to him during that day, One of us Cried. It was really hard on not releasing your feelings for Mr. Lee we gave him the Cards. After the Day has ended Most of the Teachers would wait on the gate for everyone's parents to pick them up until they go back home or inside, My Dad Came. And I gave my One Last Look, Listen, Talk, Wave at Mr. Lee.
And the Sadness Begins...