
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Pirates Timeline

Gday Gday, there ol' mate. Me name is Captain Merk. Today me will be showin you what me and me mateys been working on for topic.

We been learning about Pirates, not just for Topic but for every single subject (Except maths). And for Topic, we have to make a timeline about famous pirates.

I made a timeline about, Major Stede Bonnett (Gentleman Pirate), Anne Bonny, Edward Low, Sir Henry Morgan, Francois l'Olonnais, John Rackham (Calico Jack), Mary Read, Bartholomew Roberts (Black Bart), and Edward Teach (Blackbeard).

Here's my timeline.^_^ -_- @_@

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Cipher Wheels

Ahoy Matey!! It's me Captain Mark.

Today I will show you what we've been making and doing for 3 days. We've been making Cipher Wheels. Allow me to explain.

Cipher Wheels are something people used to have or make in order for them to understand or solve a message that was given to them, because the message they got were gibberish but it has a meaning to it if you figure out how to understand it.
Basically it's like sending a message to someone, but they don't want others to know about it. So they decide to make a message that looks gibberish but actually isn't.

For our lesson we decided to make messages using Cipher Wheels so that they could find the Crunchie we hid somewhere around the school. And we needed to make clues or just one message in order for them to find out where we hid it.

Here's a picture my Cipher Wheel

I hope you guys liked our work during these 3 days and I hope you guys do well on your work too.

Thanks for looking at my work. =)