
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Victory Royale (Mountain Climbing)

For Descriptive Writing we were given a picture by Mrs. Lee (Our Teacher) and we had to write something if you were that person that climbed the mountain, and we had to be really creative about it. It was really fun when you had to be creative because you can chose your own stuff to put on, but you still need to put on the mountain climb stuff.

I found it hard to try to make or write something on my own topic (kinda...)

I found it easy to write down what I could see, smell, taste, hear, touch/ feel

Here's what I got...
Victory Royale

I have a few more steps until we reach the top, I’m shocked on how we
managed to reach our goals.This was one of my best days and first day, I had
accomplished something I’ve always wanted to do.

I can smell the fresh air from up this mountain. The smell is like when you’re in
a forest and there’s a lot of oxygen.

I can taste the Victory..... Of completing the climb.

I can feel my body getting tired of all the work they had done, It’s also really
cold up here and I’m sweating. I can feel the wind whooshing past us and on us.

I can hear the wind whistling over us, past us and everywhere.
I can hear my heart pumping so fast, and us breathing really heavily,
As we look at the really nice view.

We had done the climb, I was very happy that We had done climbing the
mountain we are on.

I can see my wife exhausted and amazed by the view from up this mountain,
and I look at other mountains and say “I can climb that!!” as an expression
because we climbed the highest one out of the ones we saw.
The view is nice you can mostly see anything that’s around you, because your
on somewhere high which makes easier for you to see some places.

This is the biggest Victory Royale, I’ve ever got in my whole entire life.
I would like to do this more often so that I could build up muscles and
I could be fit.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mark
    I like that you described that you can smell the fresh air
    I learnt that you are climbing a mountain.
    you have nothing to f ix up Mark
    From Alex


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