
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What is a Fire Tornado? Infographic

For Reading we were given a non-fictional passage, and it was really fun learning about Fire Tornadoes because I didn't even know it existed. We had to make an Infographic to show you guys what I learnt about it and how it forms into one.
I found it hard to make the Infographic because sometimes it takes time.
I found it easy to write down the stuff and explain it.

Here's my work...

I hope you enjoyed it thanks for looking at it!!


  1. hi mark it tini your friend
    i like how you add information on how it does a fire tonado
    i did the same thing as you maybe check mine
    and i think you for like the paragraphs i think you should like put numbers on them so i know which is which

    kind regards Tini

  2. Hi Mark
    I like your infographic about fire tornadoes i like what you put into your infographic like it starts as a tornado then it builds up with flames you also did a good job explaining what it is


  3. Hi Mark,my name is Sebastian from Yaldhurst Model School.I enjoyed the part when you talked about the fire tornado.It is amazing to hear about fire tornadoes.The facts you have used are incredible and very informative.Why did you do this Mark?


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